Firstly know how much profit you are making at the moment, where it is coming from and identifying where you are losing it! Secondly you need to know this information on a regular basis. After identifying how much you are making or losing and from where we need to determine what we call in the trade KEY BUSINESS DRIVERS and set up a system for monitoring them called KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS.
We can then put a plan together to make you MORE MONEY which can include
Putting in place a proper MARKETING PLAN and SALES PROCESS
Putting in pace a proper PRICING STRATEGY
Finding ways to improve your GROSS MARGIN
Reviewing your overhead costs and finding ways to save money
Making sure your assets are being utilised to the MAX
You may have reached the stage where you need an injection of funding. You will need help in not only sourcing funding and the best type for your business but also how to present the information that will be required to secure it.